My name is Tresdin, and there is a great
threat growing in my kingdom. And that threat is the waves of filthy
non-human refugees who litter our street corners and whose mongrel
languages are belted out in every pub! I didn't become the greatest
general this kingdom has seen in hundreds of years to see my lands
reduces to this, but that will be dealt with shortly. For now my axe is
called to battle the hordes of darkness that threaten every human in
these lands. I march to turn the tables on these horrors, and I dare
even one of them to test me in single combat! I go to see things are
taken care of the right way, the human way!
Name: Tresdin
Affiliation: STR Sentinel 2
Strength: 26 + 2.6
Agility : 18 + 1.7
Intelligence: 20 + 2.2
HP: 644
Mana: 260
Damage: 57 - 61
Armor: 2.52
Attack Range: 128(melee)
Attack Animation: 0.46/0.64
Missile Speed: Instant
Movespeed: 310
Sight Range: 1800/800
• Bonus damage permanen dan tidak terbatas!
• MS Imba dengan mudah.
• Anti-Cloners!
• Memiliki bonus Attack Speed tinggi.
• Kemampuan meremove efek buff negatif dan stun/disable.
• Kalah duel = Nyumbang Damage!
• Silence.
• Physical immune dan blade mail
• Lihat sendiri dibagian Counter ;D
• Bonus damage permanen dan tidak terbatas!
• MS Imba dengan mudah.
• Anti-Cloners!
• Memiliki bonus Attack Speed tinggi.
• Kemampuan meremove efek buff negatif dan stun/disable.
• Kalah duel = Nyumbang Damage!
• Silence.
• Physical immune dan blade mail
• Lihat sendiri dibagian Counter ;D
ere I will explain the usages of
Legion Commander abilities. I will avoid explaining basic things such as
Damage per Level, since that is something you can simply check by looking at
the skill description.
The skill builds suggested are the ones I like the most. In the middle lane I prefer to max
Overwhelming Odds,
while in the Jungle I think it is enough to have 3 points in
Press the Attack and 2 in
Moment of Courage.

The skill builds suggested are the ones I like the most. In the middle lane I prefer to max

Hero Skills

Turns the enemies numbers against them,
dealing damage and granting you 6% bonus movement speed per hero and 3%
per unit in the 315 AoE for 7 seconds. Deals bonus damage to illusions
and summoned units.
Level 1 - 60 Damage + 10 per unit
Level 2 - 120 Damage + 10 per unit
Level 3 - 180 Damage + 10 per unit
Level 4 - 240 Damage + 10 per unit
Cooldown: 18 Detik
Manacost: 100
AoE: 315
Cast Range: 1000
Durasi: 7 Detik
• Bonus MS 6% per hero dan 3% per unit di AoE
• Bonus Damage untuk unit summon dan ilusi adalah 25%
• Tipe damage magical
Skill anti-cloners, anti-summoner, anti-pusher, karena prinsip skill ini akarnya dari skill ultimate Raigor (Echo slam) dimana total damagenya berdasarkan jumlah unit musuh dalam area. Apalagi untuk ilusi dan unit summon menerima bonus 25% damage.
Selain menentukan efek damage, jumlah musuh juga menentukan MS yang kamu terima selama 7 detik.
Level 1 - 60 Damage + 10 per unit
Level 2 - 120 Damage + 10 per unit
Level 3 - 180 Damage + 10 per unit
Level 4 - 240 Damage + 10 per unit
Cooldown: 18 Detik
Manacost: 100
AoE: 315
Cast Range: 1000
Durasi: 7 Detik
• Bonus MS 6% per hero dan 3% per unit di AoE
• Bonus Damage untuk unit summon dan ilusi adalah 25%
• Tipe damage magical
Skill anti-cloners, anti-summoner, anti-pusher, karena prinsip skill ini akarnya dari skill ultimate Raigor (Echo slam) dimana total damagenya berdasarkan jumlah unit musuh dalam area. Apalagi untuk ilusi dan unit summon menerima bonus 25% damage.
Selain menentukan efek damage, jumlah musuh juga menentukan MS yang kamu terima selama 7 detik.
Karena menghasilkan damage, digunakan untuk nyicil dan AoE damage. Gunakan tepat saat war telah dimulai atau saat unit musuh dan creep-creepnya masih banyak.
Bonus MS tentunya berguna untuk mengejar atau kabur. Casting range 1000 mudah menemukan unit musuh terdekat untuk menambah MS agar bisa menjangkau atau menghindari kejaran musuh.
Karena menghasilkan damage, digunakan untuk nyicil dan AoE damage. Gunakan tepat saat war telah dimulai atau saat unit musuh dan creep-creepnya masih banyak.
Bonus MS tentunya berguna untuk mengejar atau kabur. Casting range 1000 mudah menemukan unit musuh terdekat untuk menambah MS agar bisa menjangkau atau menghindari kejaran musuh.
Lalu karena nukenya lumayan sakit, cocok menjadi modal defense dan kontrol lane di early game.

Removes all debuffs and disables from the targeted ally and grants them bonus attack speed and health regen for 4 seconds.
Level 1 - 60 AS, 30 HP Regen
Level 2 - 80 AS, 40 HP Regen
Level 3 - 100 AS, 50 HP Regen
Level 4 - 120 AS, 60 HP Regen
Durasi: 4 Detik
Cooldown: 16/15/14/13 Detik
Manacost: 80/90/100/110
• Bisa digunakan ke Hero teman atau diri sendiri.
• Meremove semua jenis buff.
• Kamu tidak bisa meremove disable dirimu sendiri, termasuk saat terkena silence.
Press the attack memberikan efek 'purge' yaitu meremove buff negatif seperti minus armor, slow, bahkan disable. Bukan itu saja, skill ini juga menambah AS dan HP regeneration yang bisa dimanfaatkan teman carry atau dirimu sendiri mendapat DPS tinggi atau Heal selama beberapa detik.
Press the attack adalah skill support imbalance yang akan menjadi skill utamamu di late game, karena durasi empat detik sudah sangat cukup untuk Duel.
Kalau dilihat dari efek-efek yang diberikan :
- Gunakan untuk menolong teman menghilangkan efek negatif seperti stun,disable,track,dll
- Meremove buff slow,minus armor, track,dll untuk diri sendiri.
- DPS untuk dirimu atau carry jadi di late game, terutama yang membutuhkan AS seperti permabasher/critical.
- Heal untuk teman yang sekarat.
- Attack speed untuk push tower.
Kalau dilihat dari efek-efek yang diberikan :
- Gunakan untuk menolong teman menghilangkan efek negatif seperti stun,disable,track,dll
- Meremove buff slow,minus armor, track,dll untuk diri sendiri.
- DPS untuk dirimu atau carry jadi di late game, terutama yang membutuhkan AS seperti permabasher/critical.
- Heal untuk teman yang sekarat.
- Attack speed untuk push tower.
- Ngutan
- Duel
- Duel

When Tresdin is attacked, he has a chance to gain a moment of courage, instantly attaking again with bonus lifesteal.
Level 1 - 16% Chance, 20% Lifesteal
Level 2 - 18% Chance, 40% Lifesteal
Level 3 - 20% Chance, 60% Lifesteal
Level 4 - 22% Chance, 80% Lifesteal
• Tidak bisa terpicu lebih dari satu kali setiap 0.9 detik.
• Lifesteal skill ini BUKAN orb, Stack dengan item/skill berlabel orb effect.
• Lifesteal yang dihasilkan berdasarkan damage yang kamu hasilkan.
• Attack dari tower juga bisa memicu skill ini.
• Tidak ada animasi lifesteal saat skill ini bekerja.
Moment of Courage memberikan efek counter attack dengan bonus lifesteal amat tinggi. Skill pasif inilah yang akan mempertebal ketahananmu selama duel.
Chance terpicunya berdasarkan jumlah serangan attack yang kamu terima,
jadi bukan berdasarkan attack speed seperti kebanyakan efek pasif. Lalu
tidak seperti kebanyakan skill pasif, moment of courage tetap aktif saat
Calls the targeted enemy for a duel.
Both you and the enemy will be forced to attack each other and will both be
unable to use items or abilities. The victor gains 10 permanent bonus damage.
Level 1 - Lasts 4 seconds.
Level 2 - Lasts 4.75 seconds.
Level 3 - Lasts 5.5 seconds.
Cooldown: 50
Manacost: 75
Cast Range: 100
Level 1 - Lasts 4 seconds.
Level 2 - Lasts 4.75 seconds.
Level 3 - Lasts 5.5 seconds.
Cooldown: 50
Manacost: 75
Cast Range: 100
• Petarung duel akan dinyatakan kalah apabila dia mati selama durasi skill ini.
• Pemenang dari Duel akan mendapat 10 damage PERMANEN!
• Kedua hero yang berduel tidak bisa menggunakan skill maupun item aktif, seperti saat terkena Doom.
• Beberapa efek pasif masih aktif saat duel (dijelaskan dibawah)
• Kedua hero sama-sama disable tapi tidak invulnerable, tetap bisa diserang.
• Saat Duel, Gem of True Sight tidak berfungsi.
• Skill ini diblock Linken sphere.
Skill ultimate paling LAKI!
• Petarung duel akan dinyatakan kalah apabila dia mati selama durasi skill ini.
• Pemenang dari Duel akan mendapat 10 damage PERMANEN!
• Kedua hero yang berduel tidak bisa menggunakan skill maupun item aktif, seperti saat terkena Doom.
• Beberapa efek pasif masih aktif saat duel (dijelaskan dibawah)
• Kedua hero sama-sama disable tapi tidak invulnerable, tetap bisa diserang.
• Saat Duel, Gem of True Sight tidak berfungsi.
• Skill ini diblock Linken sphere.
Skill ultimate paling LAKI!
Apabila selama durasi berhasil membunuh lawan duel kamu mendapat bonus
10 damage permanen meski bukan yang membunuhnya. tapi kalau sebaliknya
rivalmu itu yang mendapat 10 damage permanen. Apabila tidak ada yang
terbunuh selama durasi buff maka tidak ada satupun yang mendapat damage
Berhati-hatilah memilih lawan duel terutama di late game, karena hero-hero dengan DPS tinggi (carry jadi) bisa mengalahkanmu, jadi jangan sampai kamu hanya mempersakit DPS nya saja.
Berhati-hatilah memilih lawan duel terutama di late game, karena hero-hero dengan DPS tinggi (carry jadi) bisa mengalahkanmu, jadi jangan sampai kamu hanya mempersakit DPS nya saja.
Dan sebaiknya lakukan kalau agak sepi musuh (sendirian), karena skill
ini tidak didesain untuk digunakan kalau sedang banyak musuh apalagi
untuk war.
Saat terbaik menggunakan skill ini adalah saat kamu melihat atau bertemu musuh siapapun yang HP nya tinggal sedikit (Kecuali satu Hero, lihat di bagian Counter-Nightmare). Jangan bunuh dia dengan attack atau spell-spell damage karena dengan duel dia akan memberimu 10 damage permanen.
Terdengar pengecut? beraninya cuma sama yang lemah? Memang iya kalau bicara late game, tapi untuk early-mid itu adalah strategi terbaik untuk membangun DPS mu! Jadi jangan gengsi.
Skill ini sama sekali tidak berguna saat war, tapi cukup membantu dengan menculik satu musuh untuk berduel. Semakin sering kamu berduel dan menang, DPS mu akan semakin naik dan mungkin bisa berguna untuk menyaingi DPS hero-hero carry late game.
Sementara untuk casting rangenya melee, hanya bisa digunakan kalau musuh tepat didepanmu.
Saat terbaik menggunakan skill ini adalah saat kamu melihat atau bertemu musuh siapapun yang HP nya tinggal sedikit (Kecuali satu Hero, lihat di bagian Counter-Nightmare). Jangan bunuh dia dengan attack atau spell-spell damage karena dengan duel dia akan memberimu 10 damage permanen.
Terdengar pengecut? beraninya cuma sama yang lemah? Memang iya kalau bicara late game, tapi untuk early-mid itu adalah strategi terbaik untuk membangun DPS mu! Jadi jangan gengsi.
Skill ini sama sekali tidak berguna saat war, tapi cukup membantu dengan menculik satu musuh untuk berduel. Semakin sering kamu berduel dan menang, DPS mu akan semakin naik dan mungkin bisa berguna untuk menyaingi DPS hero-hero carry late game.
Sementara untuk casting rangenya melee, hanya bisa digunakan kalau musuh tepat didepanmu.
Sedikit merepotkan untuk melawan musuh Range tapi bonus MS overwhelming bisa membantu, atau beli saja Dagger/Lothar.
Cara kerja skill ini sama seperti saat terkena Doom, jadi seluruh skill dan item aktif akan DISABLE. dan untuk efek pasif sebagian besar disable tapi ada juga yang masih bisa bekerja. Untuk lebih jelasnya lihat daftar dibawah..
Note: Mohon koreksi kalau ada kesalahan. Skill yang tidak dicantumkan berarti masih butuh konfirmasi.
Cara kerja skill ini sama seperti saat terkena Doom, jadi seluruh skill dan item aktif akan DISABLE. dan untuk efek pasif sebagian besar disable tapi ada juga yang masih bisa bekerja. Untuk lebih jelasnya lihat daftar dibawah..
Note: Mohon koreksi kalau ada kesalahan. Skill yang tidak dicantumkan berarti masih butuh konfirmasi.
Skill pasif:AKTIF
• Frostmourne, Abaddon
• Geminate Attack, Weaver
• Headshot, Sniper
• Frost Attack, Dragon Knight Elder Form level 3
• Incapacitating Bite, Broodmother
• Geostrike, Meepo
• Caustic Final, Sand King
• Poison sting, Venomancer
• Phase Shift Auto cast, Puck ( Tidak diblok )
• Fury Swipes, Ursa
• Split shot, Medusa
• Last Word, Silencer
• Permanent invisibility, Rikimaru
• Kraken Shell, Tide
• Bash, Void (dan seluruh skill bash lainnya, kecuali Greater bash - Barathrum)
• Blur, Mortred (dan seluruh skill evasion lainnya, kecuali Psedu-evasion Backtrack - Darkterror)
• Great Cleave, Sven (dan seluruh skill cleave lainnya, termasuk Tidebringer - Kunkka)
• Coup degrace, Mortred (dan seluruh skill critical lainnya, tidak ada pengecualian!)
Item pasif:
• Chain lightning, Maelstorm dan Mjolnir
• True Strike, MKB
• Maim, Sange, Heaven Halberd, dan Sange and Yasha
• Feedback, Diffusal Blade
• True Sight, Gem
• Immolation, Radiance
• Damage Block, Stout shield, PMS, Vanguard.
• Cold attack (RANGE), Eye of skadi
• Critical Strike, Buriza
• Evasion, The Butterfly, Talisman, dan Heaven Halberd.
• Bash, Cranium basher, Abysal Blade
• Lifesteal, Mask of Death (dan semua item lifesteal lainnya, kecuali Unholy Rage - Satanic aktif)
• Splash Damage, Battlefury
Skill pasif:
• Feast, Naix
• Blood Bath, Bloodseeker
• Strygwys Thisrt, Bloodseeker
• Untouchable, Enchantrees
• Backstab, Rikimaru
• Greater Bash, Barathrum
• Reincarnation, Leoric
• Spell shield & Mana Break, Magina
• Liquid Fire, THD
• Juxtapose, PL
• Phantom Edge, PL
• Craggy Exterior, Tiny
• Moon Glaives, Luna
• Fervor, Troll
• Bristleback, Bristleback
• Dragon blood, Dragon Knight
• Counter Helix, Axe
• Corrosive Skin, Viper
• Desolate, Spectre
• Dispersion, Spectre
• Backtrack, VOid
• Flesh Heap, Pudge
• Necromastery, SF
• Return, Centaur
• Overload, storm spirit
• Psi Blades, Lanaya
• Berserker Blood, Huskar
• Essense Shift, Slark
• Hunter in the night, Balanar
• Borrowed Time, Abaddon (akan meremove Duel kalau HP nya dibawah 400)
Skill yang tetap aktif saat duel (kalau diaktifkan sebelum duel) :
• chilling touch, Kaldr
• rot, pudge
• guardian angel, purist
• Repel, purist
• rage, Naix
• Charge, Barathrum
• Chemical rage Alchemist
• Track, Gondar
• Diabolic Edict, Leshrac
• Web, Broodmother
• Mana Shield, Medusa
• Vendetta, NA (tetap invisible)
• Shukuchi, Weaver (tetap invisible)
• Spectral dagger collision, Spectre
• Decrepify, pugna
• Refraction, Lanaya
• Meld, lanaya (tetap invisible)
• Inner Vitality, Huskar
• Focus Fire, Alleria
• Eye of the storm, Razor
• Static Link, Razor
• Dark Rift, Pit Lord (tetap akan teleport)
Item pasif:
• Block damage, Linken sphere
• Cold attack (MELEE), Eye of skadi
• Damage Return, Blade Mail*
• Unholy Rage, Satanic*
• Unholy STR, Armlet of Mordiggian*
• Invisible, lothar*
• Death Charge, Bloodstone
• Corruption, Stygian Desolator
• Semua Aura (kecuali Radiance)
(*)Kalau diaktifkan sebelum duel
Middle Lane
Legion Commander depends on her Ultimate during the early stages of the match so she can snowball out of control. For this reason, I believe the middle lane is the most appropriate lane for this Hero. You will get level 6 faster and, also important, you will most likely have level advantage in comparison to the other lanes.
Tresdin can hold her own in the Middle Lane, even against hard matchups. If you are against another Melee Hero you can actually win the lane and sometimes even go for kills.
- Hard Matchup
If you are matched against a much stronger Hero, you should just try to last hit withOverwhelming Odds. In this situation Bottle Crow will allow you to remain in the lane, when you shouldn't, similar with
Dragon Knight and his breath fire or
Magnus with his
Shockwave. Use
Press the Attack to regen when needed.
Remember, if you cannot win the lane don't worry about it. You should be able to get enough last hits to grabPhase Boots,
Magic Wand and maybe a
Bracer for early stats. Make sure to grab the runes, even if that means you miss some creeps. A Haste or Invisibility Rune go a long way to make sure a gank in the sidelanes will work out. Don't forget
Overwhelming Odds also gives you bonus movement speed, which will also help you to take the runes.
After you reach level 6 you should start ganking. Buy your ownSmoke of Deceit to ensure your ganks are successful. The effectiveness of your initial ganks are of major importance, especially if you had a hard time during the laning phase.
If you have a bad time in the middle lane and your ganks fail, you will have huge dificulties in getting a grip of the match - I can't stress this enough.
- Easy/Medium Matchup
Against a Melee Hero you will be able to farm all you want and even zone your enemy out of the lane. Since your opponent is Melee, he will have to get close to the creeps to farm. Using
Overwhelming Odds
every time he tries to last hit, starts to heavily damage your adversary (but
be careful not to be constantly pushing the lane to his side). If he gets low
after one of your nukes you can even chase him to get the kill, because, don't
Overwhelming Odds
also gives you bonus movement speed. Also at level 4, when you already have 1
point in
Moment of Courage,
you can trade hits with him near the creeps.
Both of your will aggro the creeps, but you will have lifesteal to mitigate the
damage; he won't.
Against a Ranged Hero who isn't exactly harass-intensive (like
or your opponent is just playing too passive, don't be afraid to farm and tank
a bit of harass: You have a good Health pool,
Press the Attack
will allow to shrug off the little damage you
are taking and if you manage to secure the runes
even better.
Now, in the middle lane if you get level 6 before your opponent, you can straight up kill him and give you and your team a considerable early advantage. Let us analyze the possible scenario:
- At level 6 you should have 3 points in
Overwhelming Odds,
1 in
Press the Attack
and 1 in
Moment of Courage.
- If you get level 6 before your opponent you will also have a slight stats advantage.
- You will probably need to hit
Overwhelming Odds
on your opponent, unless he is already half HP. Use the bonus movement speed to
get near him.
- Use
Press the Attack,
to assure at least 1 or 2 extra hits.
your adversary.
If your opponent has no escape mechanism and if he is half HP when you
him, you should be able to kill him during the
If not he will at least be very low and you can finish
him off.
Against a Melee Hero you will be able to farm all you want and even zone your enemy out of the lane. Since your opponent is Melee, he will have to get close to the creeps to farm. Using

Against a Ranged Hero who isn't exactly harass-intensive (like

Now, in the middle lane if you get level 6 before your opponent, you can straight up kill him and give you and your team a considerable early advantage. Let us analyze the possible scenario:
- At level 6 you should have 3 points in

- If you get level 6 before your opponent you will also have a slight stats advantage.
- You will probably need to hit

- Use


If your opponent has no escape mechanism and if he is half HP when you

f you so desire you can go Jungle at level 1
Commander. The jungle, after the 6.79
update, offers a lot less to you (less xp and gold). However it is still
a good source of xp and gold that your team can take advantage of. If one
support is enough to ensure farm to your Main Carry, then the other support can
be a position 4 jungler, getting the gold from the
Jungle that otherwise wouldn't be going your Team's way.
I will explain the best way I found to Jungle with
Commander. It is very straight forward, with
a slight detail that you should take into account and it is actually
something that most guides overlook. Around minute
13 you will be level 9, with 4000 gold farmed. Now, considering you are
playing the 4-role position, level 9 with 4000 gold at that time mark is quite
good. However, this will restrict you to the Jungle and
you won't be of much help to your team, so make sure you have very solid
Also the other support of your team will have the burden of buying courier,
Courier and all the wards (so make sure you have someone
willing to do this for you!)
Brief Explanation
- Initially you should level up
Press the Attack
Moment of Courage.
These two spells will give you sustainability to keep jungling.
- Start off with the medium camps, as the
hard camps are too much for you in the beginning. When you are level 5 you can
start farming the heavy camps.
- At level 7 and 8 put points in
Overwhelming Odds.
- While you are farming in the medium camps you should sometimes stack creeps in 1 of the hard camps. Do this only
when you are near the hard camp you want to the stacks and you don't have to
waste much time for the 53 second mark.
- Once you are close to reaching level 9, go to the
hard camp you stacked. The 2 points in
Overwhelming Odds
will help you here. The initial creeps that you kill with this spell should
give you level 9, but even if it doesn't, don't worry. Cast
Press the Attack
and farm the creeps.
- By the end of all of this, you should be level 9 and have 4000'ish farm, at
around 13 - 13:30 minutes.

I will explain the best way I found to Jungle with

Also the other support of your team will have the burden of buying courier,

Brief Explanation
- Initially you should level up

- Start off with the medium camps, as the hard camps are too much for you in the beginning. When you are level 5 you can start farming the heavy camps.
- At level 7 and 8 put points in

- While you are farming in the medium camps you should sometimes stack creeps in 1 of the hard camps. Do this only when you are near the hard camp you want to the stacks and you don't have to waste much time for the 53 second mark.
- Once you are close to reaching level 9, go to the hard camp you stacked. The 2 points in

- By the end of all of this, you should be level 9 and have 4000'ish farm, at around 13 - 13:30 minutes.
Detailed Explanation
Shield and
Blade are a must to do this. 1
will give you enough regen. I prefer
over a
Salve, since it gives you more HP regen and it doesn't get canceled
by hits, so it will enable you to keep being active in the jungle.
- Get the
of Basilius as soon as you can. The armor and bonus damage
are very useful to farm the jungle. The mana regen is also extremely important,
so you can keep using your spells that are what enable you to jungle. Be
careful not to call the courier before your Mid Hero has his
- I prefer 1 initial level in
Press the Attack.
It will give you HP and will also let you kill the creeps faster, which will
ultimately make you lose less health. Also
Moment of Courage
lifesteal is a percentage of your own attack damage and, lets face it, your
damage isn't that impressive at level 1.
- 3 levels in
Press the Attack
plus 2 in
Moment of Courage
is enough to farm the jungle with self-sustainability. After that level up your
Ultimate at level 6 and then level up
Overwhelming Odds.
This spell will help you farm the stacked hard camp and will also be very
useful in team fights.
- You should just farm medium camps until you reach level 5. Before you reach
this level, hard camps will be too much for you.
- Every time you can stack one of the heavy camps,
do it. You should not take this as a priority, though. For example, if you
finish a medium camp at around minute 1:45,
you can go to the hard camp near it and stack it at
minute 1:53. While you are farming the jungle, you can do this stack 3 times. When you are near level 9, head over
to the stack. Use
Overwhelming Odds
on it. If you do not reach level 9 with the initial last hits
Overwhelming Odds
gives you, don't worry. Cast
Press the Attack
on yourself. This should be enough. If the stacks you got are particularly
nasty ones, don't worry if you need to drag the creeps a little bit and hit
them as they go back to the camp. Make sure you have
enough mana to do all this.
- Another important detail, that may seem
small and unnecessary, is to move yourself between every hit. This reduces the
cooldownm between auto-attacks. Again, this may sound nit-picking, but doing it
every time between auto-attacks for 13 minutes will give you a larger
auto-attack output at the end.

- Get the

- I prefer 1 initial level in

- 3 levels in

- You should just farm medium camps until you reach level 5. Before you reach this level, hard camps will be too much for you.
- Every time you can stack one of the heavy camps, do it. You should not take this as a priority, though. For example, if you finish a medium camp at around minute 1:45, you can go to the hard camp near it and stack it at minute 1:53. While you are farming the jungle, you can do this stack 3 times. When you are near level 9, head over to the stack. Use

- Another important detail, that may seem small and unnecessary, is to move yourself between every hit. This reduces the cooldownm between auto-attacks. Again, this may sound nit-picking, but doing it every time between auto-attacks for 13 minutes will give you a larger auto-attack output at the end.
What then?
There are several ways you can go with your farm after the 12 minutes mark.
You can go the Semi-Carry way, buying an Armlet of Mordigian, for example. This will push your other support to be a full hard-support, buying most of the wards and getting very little items through the game. This can be the best option if you feel the game is progressing very slowly and you will have room to keep farming and scaling with items.
Commander isn't hard carry material, but having another
hard-hitting Hero in your team, instead of a squishy support, can be the
If your team lacks initiation/ganking potential you can buy a
Staff or a
Blade. These items synergize very well with your Ultimate and
they will also increase your chances to start snowballing. Personally I prefer
Dagger. Not only it is easier to combine it with
Press the Attack
but also can't be easily countered by gem or sentry wards, so it will remain
more relevant during the different phases of the match.
Finnaly, my personal favorite (since I'm a badass, try-hard team player) I go full utility with
Commander and start to stack auras.
After the 12 minute mark I buy a
for my team, since your other support won't have much chance to farm,
of Speed and a fresh set of
Ward and
Ward. The
around 12 minutes is a very good purchase and allows your team to group up and
start forcing team fights and take towers. It is also one of the best responses against an aggressive lineup. After
that I can try to get
Guard, for example, following the trend of
Aura stacking for his team. You could also buy a
Offering, especially if your carry is melee. These items will
make you fairly tanky and will allow you to play a very active role in the team
fights as a Support.
If the enemy team has to focus you down during a team fight, you have already done your job to allow your main carries to crush them.
There are several ways you can go with your farm after the 12 minutes mark.
You can go the Semi-Carry way, buying an Armlet of Mordigian, for example. This will push your other support to be a full hard-support, buying most of the wards and getting very little items through the game. This can be the best option if you feel the game is progressing very slowly and you will have room to keep farming and scaling with items.

If your team lacks initiation/ganking potential you can buy a

Finnaly, my personal favorite (since I'm a badass, try-hard team player) I go full utility with

If the enemy team has to focus you down during a team fight, you have already done your job to allow your main carries to crush them.
The items you can buy with
Commander vary a lot, as with most heroes. The items you
choose depend on the direction you want to take with the Hero for a particular
match, the composition of your Team and the Enemy Team.
In this section I will divide the possible item builds you can go for, depending on the role you want to adopt.
Starting Items
If you go to the Middle Lane, buying 3
Branch and 1
is a must. More than that will depend on your
matchup. A
Salve is good if you expect a lot of harass.
Shield is also good for this reason, but I usually only buy
it instead of a
Salve if I'm against
Stick is essential if you meet
To jungle the items are pretty standard and fixed:
Blade and
Shield will help you farm faster and tank more, respectively.
Buy 1
with the gold left. As mentioned already in this guide, I prefer 1 tanto over 1

Armlet of Mordiggian
of Mordiggian is a good pick up if you want to become a
significant right click damage dealer. It sinergyzes very well with
Commander due to her passive ability.
Moment of Courage
will somewhat mitigate the HP loss when you have the Armlet toggled. Activating
of Mordiggian before you
someone is extremely effective.

single target armor reduction is strong and will give a buff to your
auto-attacks, making it much easier and faster to kill single targets with your
Ultimate. The damage bonus should also be taken into account. Remember, your passive doesn't count as an attack modifier
(and you can only have 1), so there is no problem
with having
as your attack modifier. If your game is going very well for you, I think you should
not buy this item. If you are snowballing, your
charges will be giving you enough bonus damage, so you do not need more items
that only give you damage.

Skull Basher
This item is extremely cost-efficient on
Commander. It gives almost as much damage as
since you are a Strength Hero and also benefit from the strength gain of the
Item. The passive ability of bashing an enemy Hero is very useful, considering
one of the flaws of this Hero is her lack of stuns. Also the Bash will proc with an attack from your passive,
so the chance of bashing your enemy will increase considerably. You can also
upgrade to an
Blade, which is one of the best items for a carry to have
lategame, due to the sheer damage output it provides and the stun that goes
over magic immunity.

Sange and Yasha
I like this item quite a lot on Semi-Carries such as Tresdin. It is a great all-around item to have. The bonus stats it gives you are great and it helps you to be a relevant right clicker in team fights. Also, the bonus damage, bonus attack speed and bonus movement speed synergize very well with your Ultimate. Combine this item with
Boots and a charge of
Overwhelming Odds
and it is very difficult to escape from a
Commander that wants to
you. Also, don't forget the passive ability of
slowing down your opponent which also compensates somewhat your lack of

Assault Cuirass
If your main carry isn't going to pick up this item, go ahead and buy it. The attack speed and armor reduction aura helps you in your path of becoming a right clicker beast. The 15 bonus armor will help mitigate the physical damage coming your way when you throw yourself into the teamfights. The
Cuirass aura will not only help you, but your teammates will
also benefit from it. Even if your carry doesn't get this item, he will still
benefit from the 20 attack speed bonus coming from the aura. Since ideally you
will be in the midst of the enemy team, the aura will be reducing the armor of
most of them.

Heart of Tarrasque
A must buy item, especially if the game is dragging and you will be facing a late-game scenario. The health boost and HP regen it provides is just incredible. Also the strength bonus also converts into damage, since, as mentioned, you are a strength hero. This item will also complement very well the
of Mordiggian, if you decided to buy it.
of Tarrasque will allow you to have
of Mordiggian toggled, without having to worry about the HP

Black King Bar
The bread and butter of almost every carry in current metagame. Gives you significant bonus damage, makes you a bit tankyer and the magic immunity ability will allow you to jump into the enemy team, without having to worry about getting locked down or burst to death. If the enemy team is very magical damage heavy or has several disables, consider rushing this item as soon as you can. Otherwise, you can maybe make
King Bar your second big item purchase. Keep in mind that you
can't cast
Press the Attack
on yourself while under the magic immunity effect of
King Bar.

Heaven's Halberd
This item will give you 45 bonus damage, so do not disregard this item as a right clicker item for you. The HP bonus and evasion passive will also make you a harder target to take down. However, more importantly, and the reason why you should sometimes pick this item up instead of something else, is the active ability to disarm. This is extremely strong, even more if the opposing team has only 1 or 2 right clickers. With this item you can effectively remove one carry out of the fight in a split second. This is an underrated item, but it sits well with
Commander. You should definitely consider
getting this item if you see your enemies' carry is delaying his
King Bar purchase.

Black King Bar
As mentioned, this item gives you several bonus (check above in semi-carry part of this section). If you plan on being one of the initiators for your team, you should buy this after getting your initiation item, especially if your enemy has good lockdown. If you are the one initiating, you will be the primary target and focus of your enemies spells. For this, magic immunity goes a long a way to ensure to accomplish the objective of your initiation, which is give time to your team to follow up and not getting obliterated in 2 seconds.

Blink Dagger
Personally my favorite item to increase my initiation capabilities. It is very easy to cast
Press the Attack
on yourself and blink right away and
your target. It also gives you other value in chasing down your opponents or
running away from them (as long as you don't get hit, in which case your
Dagger will be on cooldown). There is no particular counter
to this item, so it will be something you will take advantage of in the several stages of the match.

Force Staff
Similar to the
Staff propels you forward and helps you initiate. However, it
does not have the same precision of a
Dagger and that precision is quite important since your
Ultimate has melee range. Still you can combine
Overwhelming Odds
Boots after getting forced forward with
Staff to get near your target. Also, this item will give you
more stats, besides the active ability: the HP regen is always good and the
intelligence boost helps you cast more spells over time, although you don't
necessarily need that, especially if you went Mid and have a
The active ability can be used for several other
purposes other than initiating.

Shadow Blade
Another good item for initiation, but inferior, in my opinion, to a
Dagger or a
Staff. Because of that, if you already bought
Dagger, don't buy this item. The invisibility ability allows you to
get in melee range of your enemy in order to duel him. Make sure to attack him,
before casting your Ultimate, to take advantage of the bonus damage. The attack
speed of it will also synergize with
since you want to deliver as many auto-attacks as possible during your
Ultimate. If you choose this item to make your initiations, make sure the initial ones are successful, because after you get
1 or 2 ganks a smart team will start buying
of Appearance, warding with
Ward in strategic spots and maybe even buy a
of True Sight. All of this will make your
3000 gold investment somewhat useless. They can even kill you if you
initiate while unaware of their vision on you. For all these reasons it is
riskier to choose
Blade as your initiation item, since its effectiveness will
highly depend on the enemy team reaction to it.

A great pickup if you are playing the Jungler role. The active ability gives an edge to your team during fights and the aura is also quite useful. It will give you more survivability, which is much needed if you intend to get close to your targets to cast
Combine this item with
Press the Attack
and just by standing in the backline you can be healing your teammates and
removing debuffs and disables (counter initiating, overall).

Shiva's Guard
Another very good pickup if you want to become that Utility/Aura-carrier support for your team. The active ability will increase your team fight potential, plus the slow it provides complements the lack of crowd control abilities from
Commander. The passive is also pretty good against carries,
since it decreases their attack speed by 40. The 15 armor bonus will also give
you more sustainability and the 30 intelligence will increase your mana pool,
which is much needed considering you will have a
and a
Guard to activate, besides your abilities.

Vladimir's Offering
Extremely good item if your team's cores are melee. If you are thinking about getting this item, you should do it quickly. Personally, I would consider buying it after having the
but not later than that. The aura is quite strong in
early engagements and will also allow an early roshan. If you win a
teamfight in the early/mid game, but if some of your teammates are dead and the
rest half HP, you can't capitalize on your victory and take roshan most of the
times. However, a vladimir's offering enables you to do that. It also means
that your carry (if melee) can skip a lifesteal item and go for something else,
such as a damage item or a
King Bar

Pipe of Insight
As obvious, this is a good counter against magical-heavy lineups. The health regen, magic resistance increase and general stats it provides you is really good in making you more durable. You don't want to be a support that can't get in the middle of the fights and needs to resort too much to expert positioning, or else get destroyed. The active ability is just incredibly good against teams that depend on their magical damage to have enough damage output or, for example, when they depend on big impact ultimates such as
Frost from the currently famous

Assault Cuirass
Not the ideal purchase if you are playing the utility role, but, if your other cores aren't buying this item, you can consider acquiring this. However, if you are playing the utility role, I would much rather buy a
Guard or something of the sorts. Buy
Cuirass only if it is really late-late game and you can
afford it and your cores are definitely not going to buy it!
To finish up this section I'm going to go over the boots of choice for Tresdin. Basically it will be a choice between
Treads and
Boots, since each has its advantages over the other. If you
play the utility role,
Boots are also extremely useful. You
should never get
Boots. Consider getting travel boots in the later portion of
the game.

Phase Boots
My boots of choice in more than 90% of the games. The bonus damage it provides is quite useful, since early game you want to kill your target as fast as you can (as you will be playing a sort of ganker role most of the times). The bonus movement speed is also very useful to catch your opponents and
them. It is very hard to run away from 16% movement speed bonus plus more bonus
coming from your
Overwhelming Odds,
unless you have an escape mechanism.

Power Treads
Also a possibility,
Treads will give you more survivability and attack speed.
Since you already have the possibility of double hitting your opponent (due to
Moment of Courage),
you don't exactly need the extra attack speed provided
by these boots and that is why I usually go for
Boots. In case you buy
Treads and you also have a
be sure to tread switch to maximize the charges from your Bottle.
"Tread switching" is changing the attribute bonus of
Treads so your stats lower, thus maximizing charges of your

Arcane Boots
There is the possibility of buying
Boots. Usually I will only go or for
Boots or for
Treads, but if you are going to play the Aura-Carrier Role,
you should consider
Boots as your option. The mana boost (for you and your
is useful and with it you will be able to cast all your abilities and
items. If you watch some games from Speed Gaming, Eternal Envy
usually goes
Boots on his Carry Doom.

In this section I will divide the possible item builds you can go for, depending on the role you want to adopt.
Starting Items
If you go to the Middle Lane, buying 3

To jungle the items are pretty standard and fixed:


Armlet of Mordiggian


Skull Basher
This item is extremely cost-efficient on

Sange and Yasha
I like this item quite a lot on Semi-Carries such as Tresdin. It is a great all-around item to have. The bonus stats it gives you are great and it helps you to be a relevant right clicker in team fights. Also, the bonus damage, bonus attack speed and bonus movement speed synergize very well with your Ultimate. Combine this item with

Assault Cuirass
If your main carry isn't going to pick up this item, go ahead and buy it. The attack speed and armor reduction aura helps you in your path of becoming a right clicker beast. The 15 bonus armor will help mitigate the physical damage coming your way when you throw yourself into the teamfights. The

Heart of Tarrasque
A must buy item, especially if the game is dragging and you will be facing a late-game scenario. The health boost and HP regen it provides is just incredible. Also the strength bonus also converts into damage, since, as mentioned, you are a strength hero. This item will also complement very well the

Black King Bar
The bread and butter of almost every carry in current metagame. Gives you significant bonus damage, makes you a bit tankyer and the magic immunity ability will allow you to jump into the enemy team, without having to worry about getting locked down or burst to death. If the enemy team is very magical damage heavy or has several disables, consider rushing this item as soon as you can. Otherwise, you can maybe make

Heaven's Halberd
This item will give you 45 bonus damage, so do not disregard this item as a right clicker item for you. The HP bonus and evasion passive will also make you a harder target to take down. However, more importantly, and the reason why you should sometimes pick this item up instead of something else, is the active ability to disarm. This is extremely strong, even more if the opposing team has only 1 or 2 right clickers. With this item you can effectively remove one carry out of the fight in a split second. This is an underrated item, but it sits well with


Black King Bar
As mentioned, this item gives you several bonus (check above in semi-carry part of this section). If you plan on being one of the initiators for your team, you should buy this after getting your initiation item, especially if your enemy has good lockdown. If you are the one initiating, you will be the primary target and focus of your enemies spells. For this, magic immunity goes a long a way to ensure to accomplish the objective of your initiation, which is give time to your team to follow up and not getting obliterated in 2 seconds.

Blink Dagger
Personally my favorite item to increase my initiation capabilities. It is very easy to cast

Force Staff
Similar to the

Shadow Blade
Another good item for initiation, but inferior, in my opinion, to a


A great pickup if you are playing the Jungler role. The active ability gives an edge to your team during fights and the aura is also quite useful. It will give you more survivability, which is much needed if you intend to get close to your targets to cast

Shiva's Guard
Another very good pickup if you want to become that Utility/Aura-carrier support for your team. The active ability will increase your team fight potential, plus the slow it provides complements the lack of crowd control abilities from

Vladimir's Offering
Extremely good item if your team's cores are melee. If you are thinking about getting this item, you should do it quickly. Personally, I would consider buying it after having the

Pipe of Insight
As obvious, this is a good counter against magical-heavy lineups. The health regen, magic resistance increase and general stats it provides you is really good in making you more durable. You don't want to be a support that can't get in the middle of the fights and needs to resort too much to expert positioning, or else get destroyed. The active ability is just incredibly good against teams that depend on their magical damage to have enough damage output or, for example, when they depend on big impact ultimates such as

Assault Cuirass
Not the ideal purchase if you are playing the utility role, but, if your other cores aren't buying this item, you can consider acquiring this. However, if you are playing the utility role, I would much rather buy a

To finish up this section I'm going to go over the boots of choice for Tresdin. Basically it will be a choice between

Phase Boots
My boots of choice in more than 90% of the games. The bonus damage it provides is quite useful, since early game you want to kill your target as fast as you can (as you will be playing a sort of ganker role most of the times). The bonus movement speed is also very useful to catch your opponents and

Power Treads
Also a possibility,

"Tread switching" is changing the attribute bonus of

Arcane Boots
There is the possibility of buying

Sekian Guide Legion Commander... haha
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