
Selasa, 15 Oktober 2013

Dota 2 Hero Guides Riki

Riki the Stealth Assassin adalah Melee Agility Hero yang mempunyai kemampuan menghilang (siluman) dengan tujuan memberikan kejutan pada musuh dan membunuh mereka dengan cepat. Kemampuan ciri khasnya, Permanent Invisibility, memungkinkan dia untuk menyelinap dalam bayangan untuk bersermbunyi dan lewat tanpa terlihat. Memungkinkan Riki untuk mendekat kepada musuhnya dan mengeluarkan Smoke Screen, yang dapat melumpuhkan Hero Fighter dan Hero Spellcaster. Blink Strike memungkinkan Riki untuk mengejar musuhnya, dan Backstab membuat musuh yang kabur menjadikan Riki semakin berbahaya.

Faction: The Radiant
Primary Attribute: Agility
Attack Type: Melee
Role: Carry, Escape

Riki's Stats
STR: 67 at 25 (17 + 2/level)
AGI: 106.5 at 25 (34 +2.9/level)
INT: 46.5 at 25 (14 + 1.3/level)
Health: 1765 at 25
Mana: 845 at 25
Damage: 48 - 52
Range: 128
Armor: 5.76
Movement: 300


Riki's invisibility is both his greatest strength and his greatest weakness. On one hand, it makes him able to surprise enemies and farm with very little concern. On the other hand, without invisibility he has no real defense. His early game priority is reaching level 6 quickly. Once he has permanent invisibility, he still has to watch out for revealing items such as Dust of Appearance and Gem of Truesight, as well as abilities that Silence him and prevent him from going invisible. If he stays alive and picks off lone enemies, he can quickly get out of control.
Smoke Screen provides a powerful Silence and gives enemies a high miss chance, as well as slowing them down. If targeted properly, it can hold an enemy down long enough to finish them off. However, enemies must stay in the area to be affected. A good strategy is to throw a Smoke Screen in the enemy's path, rather than where they are presently. Blink Strike is Riki's chase and escape ability. It operates like other Blink abilities, in that it allows Riki to teleport to a target quickly. However, Blink Strike must target a unit. It helps catch up with fleeing enemies, jump into fights quickly, and escape from situations by targeting allies. Blink Strike pairs well with Backstab, because it teleports Riki behind the enemy. Backstab causes any attack from behind to deal additional damage, and allows you to absolutely flatten weaker enemies. If they turn to run, Riki suddenly hits for much more. Finally, Riki's Permanent Invisibility allows him to go completely invisible after a short delay. If Riki's enemies don't have any form of detection, this lets Riki escape with ease and roam freely. If they do, Riki has to rely on his cunning and speed in order to get the drop on enemies, and get out alive.


Skill 1 - Smoke Screen
Ability: Target Point
Affects: Enemies

Melempar sebuah smoke bom, memperlambat dan melumpuhkan skill musuh di area tersebut, membuat beberapa serangan mereka meleset atau tidak kena.

Range: 425
Radius: 250/275/300/325
Duration: 6
Miss Chance: 40%/50%/60%/70%
Attack and Movement Speed Slow: 25%
Mana Usage: 75/80/85/90
Cooldown: 13 second

Skill 2 - Blink Strike
Ability: Target Unit
Affects: Unit
Damage: Magical

Melompat ke belakang musuh, memberikan bonus damage jika itu adalah musuh.

Range: 750
Bonus Damage: 30/60/90/120
Mana Usage: 50
Cooldown: 20/15/10/5

Skill 3 - Backstab
Ability: Passive
Affects: Enemies
Damage: Physical

Damage Bonus: 0.5/0.75/1.0/1.25 * Agility

Skill 4 - Permanent Invisibility (Ultimate)
Ability: Passive
Affects: Self

Riki menghilang dalam bayangan, menghilang secara permanen kecuali ia menyerang atau menggunakan skill. Ketika terkena silened, Riki akan terlihat atau nampak.

Fade Time: 3/2/1

Recommended Items

  • Starting Items: Tangos and Salves compensate for poor starting HP, allowing you to stay in the lane longer and reach level 6 sooner. Slippers of Agility and three Iron Branches to increase early damage and both health and mana regeneration, while the slippers prepare for the shield and the branches set up for the wand later.
Tango (90) Tango (90) Healing Salve (100) Slippers of Agility (150) Iron Branch (53) Iron Branch (53)Iron Branch (53)
  • Early Game: A Magic Stick replaces your consumables with an alternative source of recovery, particularly if the enemy team includes heroes that rely on abilities. Boots of Speed provide movement speed, allowing Riki to keep pace with fleeing heroes while Blink Strike is on cooldown. A Poor Man's Shield gives Riki damage block, aiding escape from attempted ganks or providing the defense to land one last hit on an almost dead opponent
Magic Stick (200) Boots of Speed (450) Poor Man's Shield (550)

  • Core: Power Treads give Riki increased attack speed as well as a further bonus to attributes. The Magic Wand is an obvious upgrade from the Magic Stick and Ironwood Branches purchased earlier, freeing up inventory slots while retaining the attribute bonuses and healing ability. A Diffusal Blade provides a way to weaken heroes receiving bonuses from buffs, as well as slow fleeing heroes and burn mana from casters. In a pinch, it can also counter use of a Dust of Appearance by purging himself.
Power Treads (1400) Magic Wand (509) Diffusal Blade (3300)

  • Situational: Though expensive, a Butterfly provides a huge increase in both survivability and damage, as well as attack speed. Sange and Yasha give great attribute bonuses, as well as an alternative slow method to save charges on, or use in place of a drained Diffusal Blade. Vladmir's Offering grants lifesteal to Riki and nearby allies, which when combined with Riki's damage potential, can provide large amounts of healing. A Black King Bar gives Riki an escape from dangerous situations, preventing silences from disabling his Permanent Invisibility. An Assault Cuirass can provide Riki with great armor for more survivability, and reduce opponent's armor for easier kills, but attentive enemy players may notice Riki's presence due to the passive debuff aura.
Butterfly (6000) Vladmir's Offering (2050) Black King Bar (3900) Assault Cuirass (5350) Sange and Yasha (4100)

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