
Selasa, 15 Oktober 2013

Dota 2 Hero Guides Nevermore

Iblis mengerikan yang berbahaya di early mid apalagi late game, itulah nevermore. Yah.. siapapun yang menggunakan hero ini adalah pemain yang sangat berpengalaman di DotA.

Kalau bukan pro, pasti pemula yang menyukai tantangan,atau sama sekali belum mengenal hero ini. Perlu diketahui hero ini tidak mudah digunakan, bahkan sulit, kalau ga tau cara memakainya, mending pick hero lain dulu, Hero ini termasuk yang paling susah digunakan. tapi dari situlah para penggemarnya menyukai hero ini.

Tapi Jangan kecewa, guide disini akan ngebantu kamu untuk bisa bersenang-senang dengan hero ini, kamu ga perlu lg banting-banting maouse karena dikatain ‘ATM’. Dan sebenarnya kalau kamu tau cara memakainya dan tau potensinya, kamu akan mengerti kenapa IceFrog mendesain DotA untuk membuat gamer seperti kita.. bersenang-senang!

Akan banyak hal menarik dan mungkin aj menjadi pengetahuan penting untukmu di guide ini, so,enjoy it!

Nevermore - The Shadow Fiend
Primary: AGI
Str: 15 + 2
Agi: 20 + 2.9Int: 18 + 2
Damage: 35 – 41
Armor: 2
HP: 435
HP Regen: 0.95
Mana: 234
Mana Regen: 0.73
Range: 500
Move Speed: 305

Keunggulan dan Kelemahan


1. Necromastery memberinya damage untuk ngelast-hit di Early Game dan kill untuk Late Game.
2. Shadowraze bagus dan fleksibel.Bisa untuk Super-Farming, Pushing, Nuking, bahkan Last-Hitting.
3. Requiem of the Souls sangat baik untuk melawan hero-hero berbodi gede.
4. Minus Armor Auranya yang stack dengan cuirass melengkapi seluruh mimpi buruk lawan-lawannya.


1. Base HP termasuk yang paling buruk.
2. Armornya juga begitu.
3. Shadowraze sulit untuk didapakan efek terbaiknya.
4. Base Damagenya juga buruk (35-41), jadi tak jarang para pemakainya sering gagal ngelast-hit.
5. Pertumbuhan AGI-nya termasuk dibawah standar hero-hero AGI.
6. Rangenya cukup dekat (500)
7. Kematian = mengurangi 50% damage Necromastery-nya.




Enemy Units
Shadow Fiend razes the area in front of him, dealing damage to enemy units in an area.












10 per Shadowraze

10 per Shadowraze

10 per Shadowraze

10 per Shadowraze


[Q]200 [W]450 [E]700

[Q]200 [W]450 [E]700

[Q]200 [W]450 [E]700

[Q]200, [W]450 [E]700






Damage per Shadowraze

75 Magical Damage

150 Magical Damage

225 Magical Damage

300 Magical Damage


The three Shadowraze spells do not share a cooldown, so theoretically you can deal 900 magical damage at level 7! (Before base spell reduction) Do not use rank 1 Shadowraze at all, it's a waste mana. Two auto attacks are more than enough to do some harassment until you have rank 2 Shadowraze. Learn to conserve mana and do not spam Shadowraze.

Shadowraze nukes in front of Shadow Fiend, meaning you need to be facing the target. There is around a .5 second animation delay casting a Shadowraze so you also need to properly time too. Practice makes perfect...



Enemy Units
Shadow Fiend steals the soul from units he kills, gaining bonus damage. On death, he releases half of them from bondage.












12(+24 damage)

20(+40 damage)

28(+52 damage)

36(+72 damage)


12 souls per hero kill

12 souls per hero kill

12 souls per hero kill

12 souls per hero kill


1 soul per creep kill

1 soul per creep kill

1 soul per creep kill

1 soul per creep kill
Whenever the Shadow Fiend kills a unit (both allies or enemies), he stores the unfortunate soul inside of him. For each stored soul he gains 2 bonus damage until his own death releases half of them from bondage.
Level 1 - soul cap 12 (24 damage limit)
Level 2 - soul cap 20 (40 damage limit)
Level 3 -
soul cap 28 (56 damage limit)
Level 4 -
soul cap 36 (72 damage limit)
Skill pasif yang membuat nevermore berbahaya di 10 menit pertama battle. Dengan skill ini attack-mu sudah pasti lebih sakit dari semua teman maupun lawan-lawanmu, pokoknya attack damage mu paling gede di early game.

Untuk nambahin ‘soul’ mu kamu harus nge-last hit creep lawan,creep sendiri,hero lawan,atau deny teman sendiri,dan juga creep utan. Untuk setiap creep yang di last hit/ deny akan menambah satu soulmu. Untuk setiap Hero yang kamu lasthit menambah 12 soul.

Untuk melihat totalsoul yang telah kamu kumpulkan, dengan mengetik command -st

Presence of the Dark Lord


Enemy Units

Shadow Fiend's presence reduces the armor of nearby enemies.







Aura Passive

Aura Passive

Aura Passive

Aura Passive

Armor Reduction





Notes: Stacks with other armor reducing orbs/auras/effects.

equiem of Souls - ULTIMATE


Enemy Units
Description: Captured souls are released to deal massive damage and slow nearby enemy units. Requiem of Souls creates one wave of damage for every 2 souls stored by Necromastery. The closest enemy units are hit the hardest and has a 1 second cast time before it is activated. Upon death, a 2nd Requiem of Souls will be released dealing half the amount of souls.


80 Magical Damage per line

120 magical damage per line

160 magical damage per line


Area of Effect Ultimate

Area of Effect Ultimate

Area of Effect Ultimate

Area of Effect

1375 AoE

1425 AoE

1475 AoE

Slow/Attack Damage Reduction

10% Slow, 50% Damage Reduction

15% Slow, 50% Damage Reduction

20% Slow, 50% Damage Reduction

The damage dealt is equal to the number of souls stored with Necromastery. Requiem of Souls explodes waves of damaging lines around Shadow Fiend with 1 line per 2 souls stored for a total of 18 waves of lines. The closer the enemy is to the center of eruption, the more lines will hit and that means more damage. Lowers both movement speed and attack damage of units in a radius of 700. Requiem of Souls has a 1 second cast time and breaks invisibility when casted. It's possible to do full damage with Requiem of Souls if you have either Shadow Blade or Phase Boots; stand on top of the enemy then ultimate.

Patch 6.75 added a passive mechanic to Requiem of Souls, when you die you release another Requiem of Souls dealing half the amount of souls you have. Great addition to Shadow Fiend for taking out near dead opponents if they happen to take you out. Reminds me of some Borderland 2's shield effect.
Landing Shadowraze can be difficult to master since it requires good positioning and timing to get all three to land. In a typical scenario, you'll be getting off Shadowraze W and R the most since they're the medium/long ranged ones. Shadow Fiend has a pretty long cast animation so you have to factor in animation canceling especially if you're chasing someone.
(Q) - The least used out of the Shadowraze buttons since it's at near melee ranged. It's also the easiest to land since it's shot in front of you, simple as that.

(W) - You can use your auto-attack range to help you indicate how far this raze will land. Your auto-attack is at a range of 500 and raze(W) explodes at 450 so with it's 250 AoE you'll definitely land at that range. If you understand that then raze(W) is also quite easy.

(E) - The longest range and possibly the harder out of the three to land. It's great if you want to stay away at a long distance to farm or harass if you feel there could be a surprise gank on you.

Anticipating Movement

Landing a Shadowraze on an enemy requires you to think at least 1 second ahead of where they'll be. For example if enemy hero is going from X to Y you need to take notice of their movement speed and animation then understand how fast you can react with the right Shadowraze.



Jangan pick Nevermore
1. Kalau lawanmu banyak Nuker/Disabler.
2. Tim kalian kekurangan Ganker.
3. Anda nubie. Not recomended for nubie ^^
4. Belum mengerti penggunaan Shadowraze dengan benar. kecuali buat belajar :)

Pick Nevermore
1. Kalau musuhmu banyak pick hero yang bodi-nya gede/HP-nya rapuh.
2. Tim kalian butuh Damage Amplifiers dan carry.
3. Anda ingin carry yang super farmer dengan Shadowraze.
4. Pasti-nya tahu cara menggunakan hero ini dengan benar.

= carry!
Ganker/Disabler = Kurang cocok.
Nuker/Pusher = Shadowraze
Support/Warder = Kamu bukan support...
Initiator = Sebaiknya jangan

Tanker/Semi-Tanker = Gila!



Nevermore sebenarnya sangat hebat main solo mid. jadi kalau di tim udah ga ada lagi hero range, kamu saja yang main solo, biar level kamu lebih cepat naiknya, dan lebih mudah ngambil power up. 

Kalau main solo kamu harus extra hati-hati, kalau perlu beli obs ward dan pasang di hutan dekat lane mid biar kamu bisa ngeliat hero2 ganker yang mencoba ngebokong dari arah kanan atau kiri.

Lane yang cocok untuk nevermore adalah lane atas (kalau km sentinel ) atatu lane bawah ( kalau scorge ), knapa? Karena di kedua lane itu yang paling dekat ke Leragas The vile (si penjual di secret shop).

Pelajari siapa lawan di lane kamu, itu penting buat nevermore, kalau rival dilane adalah stunner, hati-hati, termasuk kalau mereka nukers aktif/spell caster, itu berita buruk, apalagi kalo keduanya stunner dan nukers.

Buat yang ga tau, kemungkinan terbunuhnya nevermore di level 1-8 itu gede banget, sekali di stun + dipukul 2 kali, lalu diserang lagi pake spell si nukers….nevermore pasti mati. Dengan kata lain NEVERMORE GAMPANG BGT MATI! Dan itu yang membuat orang-orang berpikir nevermore sangat susah dimainkan.

Dengan skill necromastery, attack damage mu sangat banyak dan itu sangat membantu mu untuk sering dapat last hit atau deny. Kalau kamu sulit nge-last hit, itu gunanya ngambil shadowraze level 1 masih sangat lemah, gunakan shadowraze klo udah level 2 ( hemat mana ), mungkin dgn skill itu kamu bisa saja membunuh 2 creep sekaligus dan itu semakin menambah damage mu dari ‘Necromastery’. Yang pasti setelah membunuh 8 creep di lane, damage mu sudah pasti yg terbesar dr seluruh hero yg ada di map saat itu. Men-deny juga tetap nambahin damage.

Sperti biasa nge-last hit dan deny mu harus imbang, dgn area bertemunya creep-creep bakal bertahan lama disitu.

Kalau berhasil mendominasi lane, jgn ragu untuk menghancurkan towernya, menghancurkan tower memberi cukup banyak gold utukmu dan teman setim, serta membuka pintu gerbang pertama area bokongan ganker kalian. Tapi kalau kamu yg nge-last hit dapat duit lebih banyak lg, tp jangan egois lah. Tetap hati-hati kalo nyerang tower yg ga ada hero lawan, bisa jadi itu perangkap dan tiga atau empat musuh tiba-tiba muncul dari FOW dan menjebakmu di area tower.

# Okeh sekarang akan dijelaskan cara menggunakan shadowraze dengan benar, pertama-tama kamu harus memastikan 3 hal yg harus kamu perhatikan sebelum menggunakan shadowraze:

1.Arah / badan/ wajah nevermore harus ke arah target mu
2.Tentu saja si target berada di area /‘range’ shadowraze
3.Mana cukup dan kamu tidak sedang di ‘disable’

# Kalau sudah memastikan, sekarang untuk nyerang si target jangan majuin target ( jangan ‘klik kanan’ mouse ke target ) itu akan memicu creep nya majuin kamu, dan kalau km ada di area tower, tower bakal nyerang km juga.

# Maju ke dekatnya saja,kira-kira jarakmu 4-5 langkah darinya ( arah nevermore tetap mengarah ke target ) tekan ‘H’ untuk menghentikan nevermore kalau kamu merasa jarak itu sudah masuk ‘range’ nya shadowraze (x)

Okeh untuk perbedaan ‘range’ / jaraknya seperti ini gambarannya :

-Shadowraze (z), gunakan kalau target berada tepat di depanmu, sekitar selangkah darimu
-Shadowraze (x), gunakan kalau target berada di area yang sama jauhx dgn attack range mu.
-Shadowraze (c), sangat jauh, lebih jauh dari attack range mu.

# Jangan gunakan shadow raze kalau arahmu berubah, misalnya kamu maju ( mo nyerang target pake shadowraze (x) trus di jalanmu itu ada creep/siapapun yang jelas dia telah membuatmu berputar (kamu terpaksa lewat disamping creep/siapapun itu ) yang telah membuat arahmu berubah. Karena shadowraze mu bakalan ‘miss’ meski melenceng beberapa derajat pun. Mending di ‘cancell’ ( s ) aj.

# selalu siap kan ketiga jarimu di ketiga hot keys ini, skill ini sangat praktis digunakan, jeda animasinya sangat singkat, yaitu 0.5 detik, dan kamu bisa menggunakan ketiganya kurang dari 2,5 detik….

# Perlu kamu Ketahui… sejauh yang aku tahu ada 2 hal yang membuatmu rugi mana dengan menggunakan shadowraze, mungkin lebih cocok 2 hal yang bisa nge-block shadowrazemu.

1. Km nyerang shadowraze ke arah target yang udah megang MKB. Kalau menyerang ke arah musuh yg megang MKB jeda animasi shadowrazemu makin lama, bahkan lebih dari satu detik, yack! Itu karena efek ministun dari MKB lawan ( yg nyerang kamu ) ministun nge-delay jeda animasi raze, bahkan kalau lawanmu itu punya attack speed yang sudah tinggi, bisa saja shadowraze mu bakal keluar setelah 2 detik ‘delay’

2. Kena ‘cyclone’ tepat saat jeda animasi shadowraze, artinya efek shadowraze belum muncul tapi kamu udah di melayang-berputar. ‘cyclone’ bukan menggagalkan shadowraze, tapi nge-pause jeda animasinya, dan setelah efek ‘cyclone’ selesai baru shadowraze nya muncul, tp musuhnya udah ga di situ lagi alias kabur. Supaya tidak rugi mana,waktu sedang di ‘cyclone’ tekan ‘s’ untuk menghentikan animasinya.

Feuh..sekarang akan dibahas kenapa skill ini mesti di mentokin di early, skill ini menjadi skill ‘killing’ mu sebelum lothar/dagger mu jadi, dan karena satu-satunya skill aktif yang memakai mana, kedua skill lainmu pasif, ngapain punya mana kalau tidak digunakan??

COMBO raze yang Mestinya kamu kuasai:

1.Combo CXZ

caranya mudah, pertama pastikan dulu kamu memenuhi 3 hal yg mesti dilakukan sebelum menggunakan shadowraze ( ada di atas ). Nah, skarang dari jarak yg cukup jauh dari target ‘klik kanan’ ( maju) di posisi dibelakang targetmu,sambil jalan..siap2, TEKAN (c ) klo menurutmu udah masuk ‘range’-nya, lalu nevermore akan berhenti berjalan, dan Raze Pertama Keluar! Kalau shadowraze sudah kluar, nevermore bakal kembali berjalan ( artinya kamu tidak perlu klik maju lagi ),sambil jalan siap-siap lagi TEKAN (x) kalau sudah masuk range nya juga ( sama jauhnya dengan attack range mu), lalu nevermore kembali berjalan dan tepat setelah nevermore berada di depan si target tekan (z)..


1 = c, 
2 = x, dan 
3 = z, seperti ini.....

Kurang dari 4 detik kamu telah menggunakan 3 spell, susah? Minta bantuan temanmu yg stunner… Sebenarnya 2 shadowraze juga bisa kamu gunakan seperti ZX atau XC.. klo targetnya tiba-tiba ‘blink’ ZC aj.

2. Combo ZXC

Kebalikannya aj, paling enak digunakan kalau lothar/dagger sudah jadi. Skenarionya gini... Muncul tiba-tiba di depan targetmu,dan langsung gunakan (z) ! kalau dia kabur kamu ga perlu bergerak, tinggal tekan (x ) saat dia mencapai sejauh attack range mu, dan gunakan ( c ) klo udah terlalu jauh. Gunakan combo ini hanya kalau kamu yakin bisa membunuhx dengan 3 kali shadowraze atau klo HP nya udah kurang dari setengah. Kalau dia tidak kabur? Requiem! take your own risk :)

Kalau sudah ngerti situasi-nya, usahakan beli lothar atau dagger secepat mungkin…

Blink Dagger vs Shadow Blade

  • Cost 2150g
  • Better Initiation
  • Instant Positioning
  • Jump through obstacles
  • Able to dodge projectiles if timed correctly
  • Shorter cooldown than Shadow Blade


  • +30 Bonus Damage, +30 Attack Speed
  • Provides Shadow Walk an active invisibility and +150 bonus physical damage on next attack
  • Movement speed is increased 20% when you're invisible.
  • Stronger escape tool than Blink Dagger.
  • Invisibility breaks after Requiem of Souls finishes cast.
  • You can do full damage with Requiem of Souls if you can stand directly above enemy
  • Easier to dodge projectiles than Blink Dagger


Both choices are perfectly fine, just depends on your playstyle and your team. If you have teammates that can initiate with you like Tidehunter then Blink Dagger is better because you'll need that immediate initiation with Requiem of Souls and deal as much damage as efficiently as possible.

If you don't have someone like that in your team, Shadow Blade is a safer choice but costs more. Like I said in the Luxury Items section, replace Blink Dagger during late game if they start targeting you more. You're going to be hard to catch with two clones and invisibility backup'd up with spell immunity.

Differences between Buff Modifiers

Items that increase your stats, increase your base values. (Derp) Those items will benefit from other items which provide a percentage boost like Soul Ring or Drow Ranger's Trueshot Aura. Depending on your main attribute, you can gain two bonuses instead of one. For example if you're a strength hero like Slardar, Heart of Tarrasque will increase both base Health AND base damage but if you're not a strength hero, you will only gain an increase to base health.

AGILITY = Each point of AGILITY increases your base attack speed by 1%(additive) and increased armor of 0.14 per point. If you're an AGILITY hero, each point of AGILITY increases your attack by 1.(additive)

STRENGTH = Each point of Strength increases your base health by 19 points. Each point of Strength also increases your base HP regeneration. Here is a link to how base hp/mp regeneration works, different for every hero, playdota.

Intelligence = Each point of Intellect increases your base mana by 13 points. If you're an Intelligence hero, each point of Intellect increases your base attack by 1 point. Each point of intellect also increases your base mana regeneration.

Item's like Monkey King Bar will only increase your attack as BONUS attack and items like Bloodstone will only increase your HP/MP as BONUS HP/MP.

The Basic Play and Ward Placement


You need to last hit as much as possible while keeping your lane pushed back enough away from your own tower. If you let your tower hit creeps it will become more difficult to last hit minions and if you wait to last hit, the hostile minions will attack your tower instead. If enemy minions are attacking your tower, push back with Shadowraze AND auto-attacks. Only push back enough so you don't go to the enemy's side unless you want to gank or bottle rune.

Level 1-4

Shadow Fiend's weakest stage of the game is between levels 1-4, since Shadow Fiend has a low att.dmg and zero-little souls; he'll have a hard time farming. If the enemy mid hero denies you with ease and out-lanes you then you're in trouble. Shadow Fiend starts to build momentum around level 6+ but if you're ganked and outlaned, you're going to be non-existent. If you're having trouble last hitting, start using Shadowraze to get at least 2 creeps per raze and you'll be fine.


Every two minutes starting at 0:00, a random rune will spawn either top or bottom river and please take advantage of that because with the haste or Double Damage rune you can gank as early as level 3. As Shadow Fiend you should be able to get Bottle between 2-5 minutes of farming and once you have your bottle, keep checking for runes. As you soon you have your Boots of Speed, you should start ganking.

Time is Money

Here's a warning, balance your time between ganking and farming, DO NOT waste time. A good example of wasting time is when you're waiting at top but enemy heroes are hugging tower or wait for everything to setup. Everything should have been setup before hand because you have pinged to gank or told teammates already. With time wasted you could be farming an extra wave or picking up a new rune.


Be aware of your positioning, if you're caught in a bad spot and you do not have Black King Bar; you're dead. Make sure you got teammates to back you up when you blink and ultimate, you're like a balloon, easily popped.

Here's a proper full length guide to the basics for any hero from this very site, DOTAFire, very detailed and polished, I highly recommend checking it out.

Another good mini-guide from a user at solomid, explains many of the essentials to be a good MOBA/ARTS player. Very well written guide so credit to whoGGie at solomid.

I will rank runes based on overall effectiveness for Shadow Fiend. (My opinions based on the games I've played)

I will provide an example of each rune in action later on in the future.

Haste - Provides a 100% bonus movement speed for 30 seconds. Maximum movement speed is 522. Believe it or not haste helps land your Shadowraze easier because you have a faster time to adjust your positioning. Also gets you as close to the enemy as quickly as possible especially if an enemy player happens to escape.

Invisibility - Grants invisibility for 45 seconds. This rune competes with haste for rank 1 in runes but after invisibility is gone, you can't chase if an enemy happens to get away. Provides an excellent setup for ganking! Tip: As soon as you pop invisibility, immediately use 1 charge of Bottle and it will not break invisibility. The bottle charge is being used during the fade time and you're not considered invisible yet.

Regeneration - Regenerates 100hp/67mp per second for a total of 30 seconds. If you do take damage the regeneration buff will dispel. When I play Shadow Fiend I rarely go back to base so having the regeneration rune gives me a huge advantage throughout the game. I personally like to waste all my mana by clearing creep waves before I use Regeneration. Regeneration will not break unless you take damage so if you get stunned by Shackle Shot or another ability that does not have damage, Regeneration will not stop until finished.

Double Damage- Buffs your hero and any illusions within 500 range 100% damage for 45 seconds. This only increases your base attack damage so bonus attack damage items like Monkey King Bar will not get the increase. Items like Butterfly that has +30 AGILITY will double with Shadow Fiend attack since AGILITY bonuses increase BASE damage. I rank this 4th because Shadow Fiend has a weak base damage and most of the time you're casting Shadowraze so in terms of overall usefulness it does not compare to Haste or Invisibility.

Illusions - Creates two replicas with the current condition of yourself. So let's say you have 50% health, the illusions will also have the same amount. Each illusion takes 400% damage and deals 50% of the total damage you deal. The least useful out of the five runes. Does provide scouting information or get enemies to waste mana on it. Sometimes get the opposition to waste ultimates but that's a small chance. Also good when you want to push a lane and helps to last hit.

Nevermore adalah hero killer, tp juga ‘farmer’, nukers’ ‘pusher’,dan juga defender’

Latihan aja selalu menggunakan shadowraze dengan rapi, terutama combo ZXC, dengan skill itu kamu bisa membunuh hero dengan cepat. Perlu diketahui juga kalau kamu sering membunuh hero lawan dengan raze, km bukan hanya mendapat EXP dan duit, tapi itu juga memberikan lawan perasaan takut dan terkejut padamu.

Semua pemain pro ( terutama yg tim nya pro ) pasti tahu hero ini termasuk sangat berbahaya, dan kapanpun mereka menyadari kalau km ‘TAU’ dan kamu adalah pemakai nevermore yang ‘HEBAT’, mereka pasti akan lebih serius menghadapimu, membuka mata lebih lebar, menaikkan posisi duduknya, meregangkan otot jari-jari, atau membuang ‘rokok’ nya untuk fokus ke game.

Tapi sebagai aware juga, kalau kamu menggunakan shadowraze kebanyakan hasilnya ‘miss’ atau gagal, lawan-lawan dan mungkin jg teman setimmu sendiri bakal ngatain ==', itu membuat tim lawan smakin percaya diri bisa menang. Yang lebih buruk lagi, sekali saja km mati semua pemain akan tahu jumlah ‘soul’ dalam necromastery mu tinggal setengah dan tidak ada damage ulti, yang artinya attack damage mu akan jauh berkurang dan lawan tidak perlu takut lagi mendekat.

Nih aku kasih tau skill build up waktu masih awal pake nevermore..(mungkin ini skill buildmu sekarang, hehehe piss! )

NECROMASTERY (1, 3, 5, 7)
STAT (2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 17-21)
REQUIEM OF SOULS (10, 11, 16)


Jahh, waktu itu belum tau pake shadowraze jd ga pernah dipake, dan diambil sebagai sisa aja. ^^.skarang ga’ lg donk! Jadi, kalau kamu ngrasa ga jago pake shadowraze ikutin skill build up itu aja, cukup ampuh kok, wkwk

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Untuk Tips Guide Nevermore - The Shadow Fiend Klick Disini

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